Interwav specializes in advanced solutions such as Phased Array Utrasonic Testing (PAUT) and Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMAT).
- Ultrasonic Procedure Development
- Ultrasonic Probe Design
- Inspection Procedures Writing
- Technique Qualification
- Technical Justification Documentation
- Technical Report Writing
- Inspection UT Level III Oversight
- UT Data Analysis
- UT Inspection Services
- PAUT Inspections
- Personnel Training
- Visual Test Specimen Design
- Visual Test Specimen Fabrication
- Research Test and Report Development
Interwav specializes in the design and fabrication of cracked test specimens used for evaluation and testing of visual test systems and personnel.

Interwav provides Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) engineering and UT Level III services for the volumetric inspection of materials, components and weldments. Companies may identify inspection needs but lack the in-house expertise to develop code compliant techniques and probe designs, write effective procedures and train operators.